The Yorkshire Branch Magazine is, of course, named after King Richard’s personal badge. The magazine is produced three times each year in December, April and August and sent to our members and subscribers.
Blanc Sanglier is the longest-running Branch publication in the Richard III Society and we have many faithful readers and contributors throughout the world. Each issue features material of interest to Ricardians, historians, and researchers on a variety of subjects.
Our most recent issue is Volume 59 No 1, which has been edited and produced by our new Editor and Committee Member Dr Alison Harrop, who also produces our newsletter. This issue includes articles on such topics as the disovery of a new medieval saint, and love tokens.
Many previous issues of Blanc Sanglier are available to borrow from the Library, for the cost of postage.
We are now able to distribute Blanc Sanglier electronically to those subscribers who prefer this medium. Please let a member of the Committee know if you would like to do this.
Articles for consideration, and suggestions for future issues are always welcome, and may be submitted to any member of the Branch Committee. Contact us through the Branch website, by email, or post, as appropriate.